The SewingGold SG1001 is a 3/4HP (550 Watt) Brushless Servo Motor that includes a Needle Positioner (synchronizer). Energy Efficient – Saves up to 70% Electricity. Speed: 0–4,500 RPM. The CSM1001 is a High Torque D.C. Electronic Servo Motor from Premier by Consew.
- No Noise when machine is not running
- No Vibration when machine is not running
- Draws Minimal Electricity when machine is not running
- Includes the Needle Positioner (synchronizer). Motor will run with or without the synchronizer.
- Uses the same mounting holes as a clutch motor
- Easy to adjust speed; motor direction with buttons
- No clutch disc
- Adjustable belt tightener
- Belt guard, pulley, mounting hardware included
- Light weight Approx. 10 - 12 lbs (5kgs)
- Starts-up at low speed
- Works well on heavy duty machines
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